Thursday, August 7, 2008

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What erection problems (erectile dysfunction) can Cialis (tadalafil) help?
Cialis (tadalafil) can help men who suffer with erection problems (erectile dysfunction), also called impotence. This is an ongoing problem with getting or keeping a hard enough erection to have sex to their satisfaction. The erection problem results in the man being unable to penetrate their partner or keep their erection to allow enjoyable sex. Cialis (tadalafil) can be prescribed to alleviate this problem. Buy Cialis Online

How many men suffer with erection problems (erectile dysfunction)?
Most men, at some point in their lives, suffer with the occasional erection problem often associated with stress, tiredness or drinking too much alcohol. However it is estimated that at least one in ten men suffer with frequent and long-standing erection problems (erectile dysfunction) and it is these men who may be able to benefit from Cialis (sildenafil). That means there are well over 2 million men in the UK who suffer with erection problems. The problem becomes more frequent in older men. It is probable that around 20 % of men between 50 and 54 years and 50 % of men between 70 and 74 years have erection problems.
It is estimated that only 10% of men who suffer with frequent and long-standing erection problems (erectile dysfunction) actually seek medical assistance. This is remarkable since effective treatments like Cialis are available for many men that can really help. Best Price Cialis

What are the causes of erection problems (erectile dysfunction)?
Erection problems or erectile dysfunction is caused by both psychological and physical factors. It is thought that in 75% of cases there is a physical factor involved. Cialis can help in many cases either on its own or with other approaches.
Psychological factors that contribute to or cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction include; stress and anxiety from work or home, conflicts and dissatisfaction with the partner, depression, unresolved sexual orientation. Men with erection problems often suffer from the fear of failure. Men who have suffered from erection problems in the past worry about their performance, and this removes the pleasure of feeling sexually excited. This in itself contributes to their erection problems. Cialis Drug for $1.99
Physical factors that contribute to or cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction include; diabetes, low blood flow to the penis or too much leakage of blood from the penis, penile nerve damage, hormone imbalance, alcohol and drug abuse including heavy smoking, high cholesterol and stroke

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